In many private cross-border disputes, difficult legal issues may emerge regarding the determination of the competent court and/οr the applicable law. Our firm is highly experienced in providing a wide range of consulting and advisory services regarding these issues. In civil and commercial cases with a foreign element, it is crucial to determine the competent court that has jurisdiction to decide on the case.
The choice of the competent court is decisive for the outcome of the case, since it indirectly affects the law applicable to the dispute. We are very familiar with the secondary Community law provisions on issues related to jurisdiction and applicable law, and in particular, with the following Regulations: a) on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Regulation 1215/2012-“Brussels Ia”), b) on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility (Regulation 2201/2003-“Brussels IIa”), c) on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Regulation 593/2008-“Rome I”), d) on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Regulation 964/2007-“Rome II”), and recently e) on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession (Regulation 650/2012).
We have successfully handled many cases helping our clients to overcome problems related to private international law issues, in Greece and abroad.
Professor Vassilakakis holds a Doctoral Degree in Private International Law (University Paris I- Sorbonne) and an LLM in International Commercial Law (University Paris I- Sorbonne) and is since 1991 a Professor of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has delivered legal opinions within the framework of judicial or arbitral proceedings regarding private international law issues.
Publications related to private international law (indicatively)
- Private International Law (in Greek), Fifth Edition 2012 (with A. Grammatikaki-Alexiouand Z. Papassiopi-Passia)
- Orientations méthodologiques dans les codifications récentes du droit international privé en Europe, Paris 1987(Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat – Prix Veuve Scelle)
- International Procedural Law (annotated case-law), (in Greek), Athens 2008.
- National report on the application of foreign law (with V. Kourtis) in Esplugues/Iglesias/Palao (eds.), Application of Foreign Law, Sellier 2011, p. 201-212.
- Droit international privé, Vo Grèce, Jurisclasseur de Droit comparé, 2012
- The “fraude à la loi” in private international law in recent Greek case law (in Greek), Chronika Idiotikou Dikaiou (=Chronicles of Private Law) 2003.774-784.
- The right to a reserved share and public policy in private international law (in Greek), Festschrift Georgios Koumantos, 2004, p. 41-62